Bridget Narpiel headshot

Assistant Director

Department Children's Center

Mailing Address

Regis College

235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493


Bridget Narpiel is a Regis college graduate. She graduated in 2017 with a business management degree and a concentration in early childhood. Bridget recently completed her master’s degree in special education at Regis as well. Bridget enjoys exploring around Regis College with her students. She likes to explore sensory through experimenting with making slime. Bridget also enjoys assisting her student with developing their self-help skills to help gain independence. One of Bridget's favorite things to do outside of Regis is spend time with her family and friends.


Master of Education in Teaching Special Education (MEd), early childhood, Regis College

Bachelor of Arts in Global Business Management, Regis College, 2017