Consistent with its institutional mission and as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and its regulations (34 C.F.R. sec. 106.8(b)(1)), Regis does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities, including admission and employment. Any inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the Regis College Title IX Coordinator or the U.S. Department of Education using the contact information below:
Bridget Buoniconti
Regis College
235 Wellesley Street
College Hall 201
Weston, MA 02493
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
202.453.6012 (fax)
800.877.8339 (TDD)
U.S. Department of Education
8th Floor
5 Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109-3921
617.289.0150 (fax)
Regis is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals, including students, faculty, or staff, can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. Consequently, Regis prohibits all forms of Sex Discrimination, including quid pro quo harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, stalking, gender-based violence, violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, and hostile environment harassment. Consistent with state and federal law, Regis will address all allegations of Sex Discrimination, including when reported anonymously, pursuant to the processes referenced herein.
Regis will promptly and equitably respond to reports of Sex Discrimination, including Sex Based Harassment, occurring within its Educational Program or Activity (see Definitions, below) according to the procedures described herein.
The information below sets forth the basic principles applicable to all complaints of Sex Discrimination. Additional procedural steps are included in the following specific grievance procedures for the prompt and equitable resolution of Sex Discrimination complaints made by students, employees, or others attempting to participate in Regis Educational Program or Activity.
Received reports that do not fall within the scope of this Title IX Response and Grievance Process, such as reports of sex or gender discrimination that do not constitute Sex Based Harassment, may be referred to alternative Regis College processes or offices (e.g., the Student Code of Conduct, Faculty Handbook, Human Resources processes).
Depending on the specific nature of a complaint, an individual must consult both the information on this page ("General Response Process") and the grievance procedures linked below.
Consent is mutual permission between partners. To consent to something, such as a sexual act, means a person knowingly and willingly agrees to the act. A person cannot give consent if they are incapacitated by substances, if they are unconscious, or if they are asleep. An individual may be incapacitated by substances where, as result of using such substances, they are unable to act or function as they normally would (e.g., are unable to move or walk without assistance, are unable to control their body, or are unable to speak, listen, or communicate as they normally would).
Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship shall be considered in determining the existence of a social relationship.
A crime of violence committed:
Discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity
A form of Sex Discrimination that involves any of the following:
Where a Regis College employee, either expressly or impliedly, requires a person to participate in unwelcome sexual conduct in order for the person to receive an aid, benefit or service of Regis College. Quid pro quo harassment can occur whether or not the person acquiesces to the unwelcome conduct.
Unwelcome (without consent) sex-based conduct that, based on the totality of the circumstances, is subjectively and objectively offensive and is so severe or pervasive that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the recipient’s education program or activity (i.e., creates a hostile environment). The following factors will be considered in determining whether a hostile environment exists:
Any sexual act directed against another person, without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent. Sexual Assault includes the following:
Engaging in a course of conduct (two or more acts) directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to: fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.
Any day that the Regis College campuses are generally open and fully operational. Business Days to not include recognized Regis College holidays and days on which a campus has been officially closed.
The Decision Maker reviews the Relevant evidence and makes the Determination of Responsibility.
Programs, services, locations or circumstances over which Regis exercises substantial control. Regis’ Educational Program or Activity will include, but is not limited to:
Related to the allegations of Sex Discrimination under investigation. Questions are relevant when they seek evidence that may aid in showing whether the alleged Sex Discrimination occurred, and evidence is relevant when it may aid a Decision Maker in determining whether the alleged sex discrimination occurred.
A person who has allegedly committed Sexual Harassment. May also be referred to as a “party” or “parties”.
If a member of the Regis community experiences Sexual Harassment, particularly an incident involving physical harm or threats of physical harm, they may wish to consider the following course of action:
Resource Name | Location | Contact | Phone | Email/Web Address |
Regis College Police Department | College Hall 102 | 781.768.7111 or 781.768.7777 | | |
Interim Title IX Coordinator / Dean of Students | Lower Student Center 123 | Bridget Buoniconti | 781.768.7508 | |
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs | Upper Student Center 213 | Walter Horner | 781.768.7029 | |
Associate Vice President of Human Resources | St. Joseph Hall 233 | Joan Sullivan | 781.768.7212 | |
Director of Residence Life | Lower Student Center 125 | John Hernandez | 781.768.7596 | |
Guardian | (Regis’ third-party operated hotline system; reports may be filed here anonymously) | Report an Incident |
Resource Name | Location | Contact | Phone | Email/Web Address |
Center for Health and Wellness | Maria Hall Lower Level | Tammi Magazzu | 781.768.7290 | |
Regis Counseling Services | Maria Hall Lower Level | Kathryn Klickstein | 781.790.7290 | |
Center for Ministry and Service | St. Joseph Hall Suite 4 | Father Paul Kilroy | 781.768.7027 | |
Resource Name | Location | Phone/Website | Services Provided |
ReachMA 1 | Waltham, MA | 781.891.0724 (general support) 800.899.4000 (hotline) | 24 hour hotline; ongoing support for survivors of dating and domestic violence |
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center 1 | Boston, MA | 800.841.8371 | 24 hour hotline; ongoing support for survivors of rape |
Newton-Wellesley Hospital Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program 1 | Newton, MA | 617.243.6521 Domestic and Sexual Violence Services 2014 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02462 | Medical treatment; access to Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Nurse; pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing; |
Weston Police Department | Weston, MA | 617.339.6720 Weston MA Police Department | Assistance in pursuing legally enforced restraining or protective orders and criminal action |
Massachusetts State Police (Weston barracks) | Weston, MA | 781.431.5050 Massachusetts State Police | Assistance in pursuing legally enforced restraining or protective orders and criminal action |
AllOne Health Resources Employee Assistance Program 1 | n/a | 800.451.1834 Regis College Employee Benefits | Support for employees and their household members including free confidential counseling, (both in person and telephonic counseling); support, legal/financial and work-life consultation, 24 hours a day. |
Regis seeks to create an environment that encourages the reporting of Sex Discrimination, Sex Based Harassment, and other concerning conduct on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Reporting Parties or others with information about an incident may report incidents to Regis College Police, Weston Police, Massachusetts State Police, the Office of Student Affairs, the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or the Title IX Coordinator.
Reporting Parties may submit reports anonymously using Guardian, Regis’ third-party operated reporting system. Regis may be limited, however, in its ability to respond to reports submitted anonymously.
Reporting parties may utilize Regis’ grievance procedures concurrently with any external civil or criminal process.
Reporting Parties may decide whether or not to file a criminal report with Regis College Police Department or local law enforcement. Reporting an incident to the police does not commit a Reporting Party to further legal action or participation in any criminal proceeding. Should a Reporting Party choose to file a report, they will be asked to provide as much detail as possible. The earlier an incident is reported, the easier it will be for the police to investigate the crime and prosecute the case successfully. If desired, Regis personnel will assist Reporting Parties in contacting police to file a report.
Individuals seeking to have restraining orders or orders of protection enforced on the Regis campus should notify either the Regis College Police Department (781.768.7111, or the Title IX Coordinator (781.768.7369). Regis will assist in the enforcement of any lawfully issued restraining orders or orders of protection.
In order to respond to reports, provide support to Reporting Party and Respondent, comply with legal responsibilities, and keep track of trends within the community, the Regis official who receives a report will refer it to the Title IX Coordinator.
Depending on the circumstances, the following administrators will be informed of a report:
Regis will not disclose the identity of Complainant or Respondent except as necessary under its grievance procedures or as permitted under state or federal law.
Campus security authorities, including the Title IX Coordinator, who receive a report of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking will notify the Regis College Police Department of the incident, but will not include personally identifying information without Reporting Party's consent. The purposes of these notifications are to determine whether the greater Regis community should be warned about a potentially dangerous situation that represents a threat the Regis community and to collect crime statistics. Consistent with federal law, Regis will assess whether a timely warning or emergency notification is required, which, in limited circumstances, may result in the release of Complainant’s identity. The Regis College Police Department will investigate all received reports, but investigation may be limited where a Reporting Party has decided not to report their personally identifying information.
Employees in the following areas are considered confidential Regis employees:
A confidential employee who receives a report will:
Regis College will respond to all reports of Sex Based Harassments and Sex Discrimination. Specific details of each process (Sex Based Harassment and Sex Discrimination) and potential outcomes can be found under Related Documents.
Regis will treat Reporting Parties and Respondents equitably. Any staff involved in receiving, responding to, or investigating a report (e.g., a Title IX Coordinator, investigator, or Decision Maker) will not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or an individual complainant or respondent.
Regis presumes that the Respondent is not responsible for the alleged Sex Discrimination until a determination is made at the conclusion of its grievance procedures.
Regis has established the following timeframes for the major stages of its response and grievance processes:
Stage | Timeframe |
Evaluation of Complaint/Report | Ten (10) Business Days from receipt of complaint/report |
Investigation | 45 Business Days after conclusion of evaluation period |
Determination of Responsibility | Twenty (20) Business Days from the conclusion of investigation |
Appeal | An appeal must be filed within three (3) Business Days of the date of dismissal of a complaint or three (3) Business Days of the date of the Determination of Responsibility. Appeals will be decided within ten (10) Business Days of the date the Title IX Coordinator refers the appeal to the Appeals Officer. |
Reporting Party or Respondent may request an extension of any timeframe noted above for good cause. All requests must be in writing to the Title IX Coordinator and Decision Maker. The Title IX Coordinator or Decision Maker may extend any time period noted above in the interest of promoting equity in the grievance process or conducting a complete investigation. The Title IX Coordinator will inform Reporting Party and Respondent of any granted extension and the underlying rationale.
Once the Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s) and Decision Maker determine that all reasonably available investigative avenues have been pursued, the Title IX Coordinator will provide each party five (5) Business Days to access and respond in writing to the Relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence and (where applicable) any summary of that evidence gathered during an investigation.
Parties are granted this access subject to reasonable steps Regis may take to protect the privacy of the parties and witnesses. These steps may include, but are not limited to, technological restrictions on access.
There is no limitation on a party’s ability to speak to or consult with witnesses, family members, confidential resources, or advisors related to their participation in the grievance procedures.
Regis provides the parties access to evidence for the purpose of facilitating their participation in the investigation. Regis strictly prohibits sharing evidence in a manner meant to intimidate, threaten, coerce, or retaliate against others for the purpose of interfering with their rights under the grievance procedures. See also Retaliation Prohibited, Section 21.
The Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), and Decision Maker will fairly evaluate all Relevant evidence gathered in the course of a grievance process – including evidence that indicates a violation occurred and evidence that indicates a violation did not occur. Any credibility determinations will not be based on a person’s status as a Complainant, Respondent, or witness.
Even if Relevant, the following types of evidence and questions are impermissible and will not be included in the grievance process:
Regis is ultimately responsible for gathering evidence and for proving whether or not a Respondent is found responsible for committing a violation.
Regis prohibits retaliation against any person involved in a report of Sexual Harassment, gender discrimination, or other concerning conduct on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or against any person participating in the Title IX investigation or hearing in any manner.
Retaliation means intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any person by Regis, a student, or an employee or other person acting on Regis’ behalf based on the fact that a person has made a complaint or is otherwise participating in or involved with an investigation of Sex Discrimination. Peer retaliation means retaliation by a student against another student.
Individuals engaging in retaliation or peer retaliation may be subject to disciplinary action under the student conduct process (students) or Human Resources processes (faculty and staff).
Regis does not want a student’s use of drugs or alcohol to discourage them from reporting an incident of Sexual Harassment, gender discrimination, or other concerning conduct based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. As a result, Regis will grant student conduct amnesty to students involved in a reported incident for their personal use of prohibited or illegal drugs or alcohol in connection with that incident. In other words, Regis will not pursue student conduct sanctions for a student’s own use of prohibited or illegal drugs or alcohol occurring in the context of a reported incident. Regis will not provide this amnesty, and will pursue student conduct sanctions, for students who provide drugs or alcohol to another individual in a prohibited or illegal manner.
Regis College will respond to all reports of Sex Based Harassments and Sex Discrimination. Regis will make appropriate supportive measures reasonably available to both Reporting Party and Respondent to maintain or restore their participation in the Regis community. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the effective implementation of supportive measures.
Supportive measures are intended to provide a party with support during the grievance process and/or to restore a party’s access to Regis Educational Program or Activity, including measures meant to promote safety in Regis’ educational environment. Supportive measures are not punitive in nature, may not unreasonably burden a party, and are offered free of charge.
In order to provide certain supportive measures, Regis may need to disclose a Reporting Party’s and/or Respondent’s identity to certain Regis staff. Such disclosure will be made on a strict need-to-know basis.
Regis College may remove a Respondent from its Educational Program or Activity (or any portion thereof) if the following conditions are satisfied:
If an Emergency Removal is needed, Respondent will receive written notice including the specific facts relied upon for the removal. Upon receipt of this notice, Respondent must vacate the indicated Regis College Educational Program or Activity, property, or portion thereof. After vacating, Respondent may immediately challenge the Emergency Removal by submitting the reasons for the challenge in writing to the Title IX Coordinator within five (5) Business Days of the removal. An Emergency Removal may be overturned if Respondent provides specific facts indicating that the removal decision was incorrect. The Title IX Coordinator will review the challenge and provide a decision within five (5) Business Days of receiving the challenge.
Regis may place a non-student employee Respondent on administrative leave pending an ongoing grievance process and/or Determination of Responsibility according to standard Human Resources practice.
Regis is a proud sponsor of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center.