Celeste Baldwin Headshot

Assistant Professor

Department Online Programs: Nursing

Mailing Address

Regis College

235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493


In addition to serving on the adjunct graduate nursing faculty at Regis, Celeste M. Baldwin, PhD, APRN, CNS taught at The University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene department of graduate nursing DNP program, as well as, the University of Hawaii Maui College Department of Allied Health, The University of Phoenix Honolulu HI campus, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, Lourdes College and St. Vincent Mercy Toledo, Ohio, The University of Illinois Chicago School of Graduate Nursing, Chicago Ill, and DePaul University in Chicago, Ill.

Dr. Baldwin worked as a unit manager at Maui Memorial Medical Center in outpatient oncology. In addition, she worked as staff nurse at Good Shepard Hospital in pediatrics and obstetrics, Barrington, Ill, in the float pool at Children’s Memorial Hospital Chicago, Ill, as an assistant head nurse at The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and as a staff nurse at St. Francis Hospital, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Dr. Baldwin serves as the associate editor for the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (CJON), as well as editor for the Advanced Practice Oncology Nurse Review Book 3rd Ed. (in press). Dr. Baldwin is a board member and past president of the Hawaii Immunization Coalition, a member of Sigma Theta Tau, and past board member and reviewer for the Team-Based Learning Collaborative. She is also the recipient of the 1991 Clark-Fila Award for Nursing Leadership, the 1998 William York Graduate Research Award, the 2001 Cum Laude Research Award, Mercy Health Partners, and the 2003 Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Theta Chapter International Honor Society Nurse Excellence Award.

Dr. Baldwin has taught Informatics in Nursing, Cultural Perspectives in Nursing, Complimentary and Alternative Therapies, Advanced Research: Evidence Based Practice I and II, and DNP Scholarly Project I-IV.

Classes Taught

  • NU-710 Informatics in Nursing
  • NU-716 Cultural Perspectives in Nursing
  • NU-635 Complimentary and Alternative Therapies
  • NU-740 DNP Scholarly Project I
  • NU-726 Advanced Research: Evidence-Based Practice I
  • NU-727 Advanced Research: Evidence-Based Practice II
  • NU-741 DNP Scholarly Project II
  • NU-742 DNP Scholarly Project III
  • NU-740 DNP Scholarly Project IV"


  • 2005-present Oncology Nurses Society member-reviewer for grant proposal research
  • 2005-2017 ONS peer reviewer for research articles in Oncology Nursing Forum and Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.
  • 2005-2014 National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists NACNS member.
  • 2014 Abstract reviewer for the NACNS for “The Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Essence of Transformational Health Care.”
  • 2014-2021 Module Reviewer for the Team Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC).
  • 2016-2020 Editor, Team Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) Resource Portal Modules.
  • 2017-2020 Associate Editor for the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (CJON) column “Clinical Moments.”
  • 2019-2021 Associate Editor for the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (CJON) column “Practice Innovations.”
  • 2021-present Associate Editor for the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (CJON) column “DNP Projects.”
  • 2022-present Editor, ONS DNP Certification Review Book Third Ed. (2023) (Eight Chapters)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Administration and Supervision at Bowling Green State University

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), CNS-Acute Pediatrics, Minor in Nursing Education at DePaul University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at St. Louis University


Dr. Baldwin's philosophy of nursing is based on the self-care modeling and role-modeling theory by Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain, whereby the nurse unconditionally accepts the patient, nurtures them, and helps facilitate care with them. This is also the theory that Dr. Baldwin utilizes and applies in working with nursing students.

Awards Honors

  • 2014, Nominated for Teaching Excellence at the University of Hawai'i Maui College in the Department of Allied Health.
  • 2003, Sigma Theta Tau Zeta Theta Chapter International Honor Society Nurse Excellence Award.
  • 2001, Cum Laude Research Award, Mercy Health Partners, Toledo, Ohio
  • 1998, William York Graduate Research Award, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
  • 1991, Clark-Fila Award for nursing Leadership. Awarded by the DePaul University Chicago nursing faculty.

Grants Secured

2013, The University of Hawaii at Manoa and Queen’s Medical Center partnership grant for a qualitative study of cancer survivors on Maui and Oahu. $25,000

2013, Kaiser Foundation grant with Dental Hygiene Program for home visits to new mothers. $1,600

2013, Kihei Wailea Rotary grant to fund asthma outreach efforts with Kihei Youth Center and St. Anthony Grade School. $4,000

2012, University of Hawai'i Maui College WU Funding for community service for HPV community outreach education through the American Cancer Society, Maui Chapter. $300

2012, Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society Research Grant Local Hawai'i Chapter. $1,000

2003, Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society Research grant titled: “Decreasing the Adverse Impact of Childhood Asthma Utilizing an Intervention Program." Through the Toledo Public Schools. $500

2002, American Legacy Foundation for Tobacco Cessation. Asthma Prevention in the Latino Community titled: “Puente de Salud.” $279,000 (funded for three years)

2000, Kellogg Foundation grant re-submission for extension of grant submitted September 2000 Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society Research grant. $750.00.

2000, Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society Research grant. $750

1999, Kellogg Foundation grant to support the HUD COPC grant. $150,000

1998, Funding for Survey of Nursing Leadership Qualities-National Study of Nurse Administrators. $3,500

1998, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding for Community Partnership (COPC) grant with colleagues from The University of Toledo. $399,000 (funded for three years)

1997, Bowling Green State University York Research Award. $500

1996, Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Theta Chapter Research and Scholarship Award for dissertation work titled Changing Health Outcomes for Urban Children Utilizing a Self-Care Curriculum in the Elementary School Setting. $500

1996, St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center Department of Maternal Child Nursing for a dissertation titled Changing Health Outcomes for Urban Children Utilizing a Self-Care Curriculum in the Elementary School Setting. $500

1996, Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Theta Chapter Research Award. $500