Christopher Kubik


Department Global Business Management

Mailing Address

Regis College

235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493


Chris Kubik joined Regis College in September 2018 with his appointment as Professor of Finance and Accounting in the Marshall M. Sloane School of Business and Communication. In addition to his professor role, Chris serves as the Director of the CFP® Registered Program. His primary teaching interests include corporate finance, investment management, personal finance, and financial and managerial accounting. His research interests include behavioral finance, wealth distribution and tax policy.

Prior to joining Regis College, Chris served as professor and dean of the School of Business at Mount Ida College and as a tenured associate professor and Chair of the Department of Business Administration at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH. Chris was the recipient of the Jack Jensen Teaching Excellence Award at Colby-Sawyer in 2010 and led the business programs to successful accreditation by ACBSP in 2016.

Before working in higher education, Chris worked in operations and finance for Fortune 50 companies, in senior finance and economic positions in state government, and as a registered lobbyist at the state and national level, where he focused his legislative efforts on transportation-related issues.


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Anderson University

Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Detroit

Bachelor of Science in International Business and Economics, Anderson University