Rudder, D., and Hill, A. (2020). “Reducing the Achievement Gap of African Americans through a Mental Health Lens.” In L.L. Martin (Ed.), Introduction to African Demography: Lessons from Founders E. Franklin Frazier, W.E.B. Du Bois, and the Atlanta School of Sociology (pp. 200-222). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Hill, A. and Rudder, D. (2020). "From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting and Mentoring Male Students of Color." The National Association of Social Work Intersections in Practice Newsletter.
“Brown’s Uncertain Legacy: High Stakes Testing and the Continuing Achievement Gap.” Co-authored with Leland Ware. University of Toledo Law Review, 35(4).
The Pace of Progress (2002): A report on the state of people of color in Delaware. Co-authored with Leland Ware.
Book Reviews
2022. Racial Realism and the History of Black People in America. Martin, Lori Latrice. Latham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
2020. Human Services Contracting. Shick, R.A. and L. Martin (Eds.) New York, NY: Routledge
2017. Color Struck: How Race and Complexion Matter in the “Color-Blind” Era. Editors: Martin, L.L., Horton, H.D., Herring, C., Keith, V.M., Thomas, M. (Eds.)