235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493
Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology, Canisius College
Master of Science in Public Affairs, State University of New York at Buffalo
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Urban Affairs and Public Policy Analysis, University of Delaware
Rudder, D., and Hill, A. (2020). “Reducing the Achievement Gap of African Americans through a Mental Health Lens.” In L.L. Martin (Ed.), Introduction to African Demography: Lessons from Founders E. Franklin Frazier, W.E.B. Du Bois, and the Atlanta School of Sociology (pp. 200-222). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Hill, A. and Rudder, D. (2020). "From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting and Mentoring Male Students of Color." The National Association of Social Work Intersections in Practice Newsletter.
“Brown’s Uncertain Legacy: High Stakes Testing and the Continuing Achievement Gap.” Co-authored with Leland Ware. University of Toledo Law Review, 35(4).
The Pace of Progress (2002): A report on the state of people of color in Delaware. Co-authored with Leland Ware.
2022. Racial Realism and the History of Black People in America. Martin, Lori Latrice. Latham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
2020. Human Services Contracting. Shick, R.A. and L. Martin (Eds.) New York, NY: Routledge
2017. Color Struck: How Race and Complexion Matter in the “Color-Blind” Era. Editors: Martin, L.L., Horton, H.D., Herring, C., Keith, V.M., Thomas, M. (Eds.)