Associate Professor

College Hall 366
Department Humanities

Mailing Address

Regis College box 1069

235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493


Ernest Collamati served as chairperson of the religious studies department at Regis College for over 20 years. He is a full-time faculty member of the department. Prior to joining Regis, he was chairperson of the department of philosophy and religion at St. Mary of the Woods College, Indiana.

He has participated in activities funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the Lilly Endowment. His writings have appeared in Horizons and the Journal of Religious Education; and he was a contributing columnist for The Criterion. For the past two decades Boston area TV stations, especially WGBH PBS, have called upon him for commentary and analysis of the Church. He was named “Outstanding Educator at Regis College” for a Boston Globe Education Issue.

Dr. Collamati has addressed hundreds of audiences on the national, diocesan, regional and local levels. He has served as keynote speaker at diocesan religious education conventions and at diocesan programs for Catholic school teachers, presented at National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) regional workshops for catechetical leaders and at NCEA national conventions for Catholic school personnel.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theology, University of Notre Dame

Master of Arts in Theology, University of Notre Dame

Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, Providence College