235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493
Dr. Jennifer Krusinger teaches seminar and writing workshop courses at Regis including First-Year Seminar, EN 105/106, and EN 329: Writing in the Community, blending liberal arts curriculum with professional preparation and community engagement. She serves in faculty and administrative roles as assistant professor of general education, co-director of the first-year experience, and director of the writing program. Her teaching and scholarship involve writing transfer research and pedagogy across disciplines, 18th and 19th-century literature, and creative writing. Her work attends to higher education’s role in fostering the cognitive capabilities and modern literacies needed to prepare graduates for a professional landscape increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Professor Krusinger focuses on interdisciplinary pathways for student learning and research and leads the Common Read initiative. She presents regularly at conferences in the field, including the Conference on College Composition and Communication and the Modern Language Association. Prior to Regis, she was an assistant professor of english and humanities and director of the writing program at Mount Ida College. She has also taught at Simmons College and Northeastern University. She is actively engaged with education, arts, and athletic organizations in the Framingham community.