Kelly Anne Doherty head shot

Assistant Professor

Department Humanities

Mailing Address

Regis College

235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493


Kelly-Anne Doherty, JD is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Studies, its Program Director, and the Pre-Law Advisor at Regis College. As a former state prosecutor (trial and appellate), Dr. Doherty teaches classes in criminal justice, law, and restorative justice. Cultivating her research interests in restorative justice, Dr. Doherty actively participates as a judge, board member, and legal mentor at the South Coast Youth Court, a diversionary juvenile court system in New Bedford and Fall River using restorative justice principles to dispose of local criminal cases.

Courses Taught

  • Courts
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminology
  • Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • Rethinking Justice: Restorative and Rehabilitative Practices


Juris Doctor (JD), Suffolk University Law School

Bachelor of Arts in English (BA), College of the Holy Cross