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Lucía Ortiz is professor in the Department of Humanities at Regis College in Massachusetts. Her teaching areas are Latin American literature and history, Latinx literature in the U.S. and Spanish language and culture. She currently serves as coordinator of the Certificate in Spanish for Health Sciences and as the Spanish minor advisor. Her research focuses on Latin American studies, and she has scholarly publications that focus on Afro-Latin American literature, women’s literature and testimonial literature.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Hispanic Language and Literature, Boston University, 1993.
Master of Arts in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture, Syracuse University, 1987.
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Syracuse University, 1984.
Submitted for publication: Daughters of Muntu: Stories of Latin American Women of African Heritage. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Hijas del Muntú. Biografías críticas de mujeres afrodescendientes de América Latina. Eds. Maria M. Jaramillo and Lucia Ortiz. Bogotá, Panamericana Editorial, 2011.
"Chambacú, la historia la escribes tú”. Ensayos sobre cultura afrocolombiana. Lucía Ortiz. Ed. Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2007
La novela colombiana hacia finales del siglo veinte una nueva aproximación a la historia. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1997.
Forthcoming: “Historia, patria y cuerpo en la poética de la mujer del Caribe y el Pacífico colombiano”. María Mercedes Jaramillo y Lucia Ortiz. Interpretaciones críticas de la Biblioteca de Literatura Colombiana. Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (IILI). University of Pittsburg. Book chapter
“Las lecciones de la abuela en la poética de Mayra Santos Febres”. Cantos y poemas: antología critica de autoras afrodescendientes de America Latina. Eds. María M. Jaramillo y Betty Osorio. Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia. Book chapter, 2020.
“Nacionalismo y transnacionalismo en Manuel Zapata Olivella. Boletín Hispánico Helvético. Swiss Society of Hispanic Studies. Switzerland. 2017. Article.
June 12-15, 2024. Latin American Studies International Congress, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. Paper Tittle, “’En realidad somos agua’ Aguas de estuario de Velia Vidal,”
June 2-4, 2021. Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia.
Discussant for panel titled: “Voces y cantos: poetas afrolatinoamericanas del siglo XX”
May 26-29, 2021, Latin American Studies Association Congress. Vancouver, Canada. Presenter in roundtable titled “Manuel Zapata Olivella: algunas tendencias y direcciones investigativas en historia, cultura y literatura afrocolombiana.”
April 9, 2021. The Manuel Zapata Olivella Conference. Vanderbilt University. Presentation title: “Manuel Zapata Olivella, National and Transnational Agent of Afro-Colombian culture.”
September 16, 2020. La obra y el legado de Manuel Zapata Olivella. Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Instituto Cervantes, Colombian Ministry of Culture. Bogota and Madrid.
October 14, 2020. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Presentation of chapter on Puerto Rican author Mayra Santos-Febres for Cantos y poemas: antología critica de autoras afrodescendientes de America Latina. Eds. María M. Jaramillo y Betty Osorio. Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia.
May 24 – 27, 2019. Latin American Studies Association Congress. Boston. Presenter and discussant for panel, "Manuel Zapata Olivella, an Afro-Colombian Renaissance Man. "Paper title, "El archivo Manuel Zapata Olivella de la Universidad de Vanderbilt."
February 26, 2018, University of Alabama at Birmingham: Sterne Library. Lecture title: “Daughters of Muntu. Latin American Women of African Heritage” Humanities Department. Lecture title: “Por los senderos de sus ancestros' Vida y obra de Manuel Zapata Olivella”