The first of two spring undergraduate Preview Days was held last Saturday featuring a large and energetic crowd that was much bigger than last February. It was a great day, with lots of positive energy and the campus looked beautiful. I’m very thankful to all faculty, staff, and students who took time to offer personal attention to our guests.


As we continue to monitor changes in policy under the new administration, please read a statement on immigration from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.

Student News and Achievements

DNP student Grace Udoh was featured in the Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) Bulletin February issue. Read how she describes three pillars of patience, due process, and time management as guiding lights for graduate nursing students. Grace is also a GNSA Leadership Council Member. Congratulations and thank you, Grace, for the wisdom you impart upon your peers.

DNP Student Grace Udoh



Through #RiseAtRegis, we are showcasing our students as they “rise” to their full potential, alumni who “rise” to the top of their professions, and all those associated with Regis—such as yourself—who “rise” to the moment.

Visit the Marketing Library located in SHARP for the latest #RiseAtRegis content, share examples of how you help students Rise at Regis, and encourage your students to share their experiences! Don't be humble! Help us to share the Regis story!


Faculty and Staff News and Achievements

Congratulations to our undergraduate education program for being recognized by the International Literacy Association for the ILA National Recognition for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals. The five-year designation through February 2030 demonstrates our program is leading the way to advance excellence and equity in literacy acquisition worldwide. Special thanks to Andrew DaCunha, adjunct faculty in the education program, who was instrumental in the submission.

ILA Badge




Naomi Kooker, assistant professor in the communications department, was invited to present her paper, “A New Business Model?: Grassroots News Outlets Emerge In The Wake Of Media Conglomerates Cutting Local Coverage," at the Tenth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies this September at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris, France. Implications of Naomi's research highlight the importance of local news to build an informed citizenry that is the fabric of our democracy, and the need for community buy-in when it comes to reshaping the business of local journalism.


The Regis College Dental Center is holding a Give-Kids-A-Smile event on Sat., March 29. Dental hygiene students will provide free dental hygiene care including dental exams, x-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants to children in the community. To schedule an appointment, please call 781.768.7250 or email

Give Kids A Smile Logo



President's Office

Last week, Michael Guilfoyle, VP of Marketing and Communications, and I had a meeting at the State House with Assistant Majority Leader State Representative Alice H. Peisch. We continued our conversation from previous meetings about the nursing shortage and I reminded her of Regis’ impact on healthcare in Boston. She affirmed her support for equal public and private state support. It was good to continue the open lines of communications and continue to push for Regis—and other private higher ed institutions—front and center when it comes to the state budget.  


I'm pleased to host the second faculty and staff trivia night with the Center for Ministry and Service on March 20! We hope you can join us at Morrison House for another fun evening of camaraderie and competition to benefit the Dear Neighbor Fund. Sign up here. 
