Do you have a passion for sports? Do you want to lead and develop players in their mastery of skills, techniques, and strategies? Do you want to make a difference in the life of a young athlete? Consider adding a minor in athletic coaching.
The new Athletic Coaching Minor at Regis provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level coaching positions at a variety of age levels. Plan developmentally appropriate training programs, design sequential practice outlines, fine tune a personal coaching philosophy, gain knowledge of current strength, conditioning and nutrition principles, and gain practical coaching experience through an array of hands-on activities.
As part of the curriculum, students will attain membership and initial coaching certification through the National Alliance for Youth Sport (NAYS). Qualified faculty in the program share expert knowledge, based on a wide range of coaching experiences, that allows them to lead and mentor students as they prepare for their future careers.
Students are required to take at least one of the following: (refer to outlined prerequisites for each course)