Three for All

Receive Your BSN, MSN and certification in three years, from one seamless program

If you’re thinking of becoming a nurse but your bachelor’s degree is from a different profession, you might feel like the clock is ticking. Nearly 89% 1 of healthcare providers expressed “a strong preference for BSN program graduates.” These days, RNs are competing with seasoned professionals who earned a bachelor’s degree or even took the next step and pursued their Master’s, making them eligible for more jobs, higher salaries and greater opportunities for advancement. A BSN makes you immediately competitive for career opportunities and puts you on a path toward an MSN that can further enhance your undergraduate degree.

Which is why Regis College developed a direct entry master's in nursing option for non-nursing college graduates interested in entering the field of nursing. The program gives you the ability to earn a bachelor's and master's degree with certification all in only three years with flexible day and evening course options.

  1. After just 16 months, you’ll take the registered nurse licensing examination (NCLEX), which 100% of Regis students passed in 2024.
  2. You’ll work with a team of seasoned, well-connected coordinators who will arrange your undergraduate clinical placement. By year’s end, you’ll earn your bachelor of science.
  3. When you’re working on your MSN, you’ll collaborate with coordinators on securing your clinical placement. In your third year, you’ll have a full or part-time option, enabling you to hit the ground running and begin your career as a part-time RN.
  4. Realize the benefits of progressing through this program in a special cohort specifically designed for non-nursing majors. All students in the cohort will be on the same learning trajectory creating a tight-knit community of learners.

In the interest of your time, we’ve also kept the application simple and straightforward. Your intended track is part of the process but will not commit you to a particular specialty.

  1. American Association of Colleges of Nursing

We invite you to download our Accelerated Direct-Entry MSN flyer to view a sample schedule, hear what a student has to say about their experience, and more!

Want to learn more about this program?

Program Deadlines

Fall Entrance

  • Early Action Deadline: October 1
  • Early Action II Deadline: December 1
  • Regular Action Deadline: February 1

Rolling admission after the Regular Action deadline. On a space-available basis, applicants are encouraged to apply after application deadlines and will be reviewed as received and completed following the deadline

Years Bachelor + Master's Degree Completion
NCLEX Pass Rate in this Program
of faculty are industry-active nurses
Total Credit Hours
Cost per credit
Total Tuition*

*Does not include fees. Based on the academic year 2023-2024. Cost per credit and total cost subject to inflation.

Gaining Experience

Clinical placements provide the opportunity to learn from professionals working in a clinical setting. Recent placements include:

Graduates of this program have worked at many premier medical institutions in New England including Mass General Hospital, Tufts Medical Center and the Veterans Administration.