Public Comment Announcement: MS in Speech-Language Pathology Accreditation Site Visit
Speech-language pathologists are healthcare professionals who combine knowledge from a wide range of fields such as language, psychology, education, and medicine. Whether your goal is to work in education or healthcare, our combination of classroom preparation and field experience will provide you with everything you need for a rewarding career as a speech-language pathologist.
Our Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology will prepare you to help clients with the following conditions:
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Speech-language pathology is an inherently personalized profession. We work with patients and students one-on-one and in small groups to diagnose and treat individual needs. In comparison to the large graduate SLP programs offered by New England state and Boston private colleges and universities, we are opting for a different approach with smaller class sizes and more personalized attention to students. By focusing on individual needs and interests, we can accommodate non-traditional students such as career-changers with late afternoon and evening classes and offer a structured part-time option. Of course, new college graduates are welcome too. Your learning experience as a graduate student will mirror your future work in the profession: created for the individual.
As a speech-language pathologist, you will be able to work with clients of all ages and backgrounds, within a wide array of settings including hospitals and clinics, nursing homes, private practices, and schools. The mission of our program is to prepare you to enter the field of speech-language pathology with the skills necessary to assess and to treat a diverse population of individuals, to integrate scholarship and policy into practice and to serve and lead in the community.
Upon completion of the MS in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP), students will demonstrate the following knowledge, skills and professional standards. Students will:
The master of science (MS) education program in speech-language pathology (residential) at Regis College is a Candidate for Accreditation by theCouncil on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 1.800.498.2071 or 1.301.296.5700. Candidacy is a “preaccreditation” status with the CAA, awarded to developing or emerging programs for a maximum of five years.