The Religious Studies Minor offers students the opportunity to consider the ultimate questions about life through sacred study. Students first reflect on the Catholic heritage of “faith seeking understanding,” a critical inquiry into Christian scripture and tradition. Second, students learn about the celebration of the spiritual in the diverse and pluralistic society in which we live. Third, in keeping with the liberal arts tradition, the program examines the religious dimension of humanity and the influence of the sacred in the formation of culture.
Required Courses
- ID 304 Exploring Ethics
- One Course From the Following:
- RS 102 Religious Quest for Meaning
- RS 216 The Meaning of Faith
- ID 222 Exploring the Human Spirit
- One Course From the Following:
- RS 201 Old Testament
- RS 202 New Testament
- One Course From the Following:
- RS 107 Jesus: Myth and Reality
- RS 211 Religion and Society
- RS 215 Catholicism: Contemporary Perspectives
- RS 309 Religious Hope and the Future
- One Course From the Following:
- RS 304 Symbol and Ritual in Human Life
- RS 317 Pluralism: One God, Many Faiths
- RS 318 Women and Religion
- RS 402 Seminar
- Select a free choice among Religious Studies courses