The college transition years can be exciting as well as stressful. Being away from home, the academic demands of the classroom and financial concerns can all contribute to stress, tension, and anxiety.
At Regis Community Health Services, we encourage students to seek out assistance for personal and mental health concerns both on campus at our counseling center as well as off campus.
In addition, we offer online wellness screening services to all Regis College students through ULifeline. ULifeline provides free and anonymous online screening services as well as mental health disease and disorder information. Through this website students can access and gain valuable information about depression, mental health, and alcohol abuse. This site also contains information about on- and off-campus mental health and counseling resources.
Please note: These screenings are not designed for, or intended to be used as, diagnostic tools. If you feel you are in need of counseling services, please contact Health Services at 781.768.7290. For urgent counseling issues and to speak with a member of our counseling staff when Health Services is closed, please contact the Regis College Police Department at 781.768.7111 and ask to be connected to the on-call Student Affairs staff member.