Located in the atrium lobby of the Fine Arts Center, the box office opens one hour prior to each performance. No additional fees apply when purchasing online. The box office accepts Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. All tickets will be held at the will-call window at the box office.


Accessibility/Special Seating Requests

All entrances to the Fine Arts Center are wheelchair-accessible and the center’s elevator services all floors of the facility. Special seating is available for patrons with ambulatory limitations, on request, for all performances in both the Casey and Sullivan Studio theatres.

Please call the Box Office at 781.768.7070 to discuss special seating requirements; we will make every effort to meet your needs. Please make your request as early as possible to ensure availability.


  • The Fine Arts Center maintains a no refund, no exchange policy and reserves the right to exchange or refund tickets only if a performance is cancelled or postponed.
  • Tickets will be issued only upon receipt of payment; orders are filled as received.
  • For tickets purchased by credit card, your statement will show “Vendini” as the merchant.
  • For reasons of safety, all children must have a ticket to any performance even if they are lap-sitting.
  • Free parking is conveniently located adjacent to the Fine Arts Center.
  • Latecomers are seated at the discretion of management.
  • No cameras, video or sound recording devices are allowed in the theatre.
  • Food items and/or beverages are not permitted in either theatre venue.
  • The use of cell phones within either theatre is prohibited.
  • Programs are subject to change.
  • All programs are wheelchair accessible.