Massachusetts' Sexual Misconduct Survey

In Massachusetts, all public and private institutions of higher education are required by law to conduct a sexual misconduct climate survey at least once every four (4) years. Regis College performed its survey in February of 2024. Regis College used questions provided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, this anonymous survey asked students about their experiences with or knowledge of incidents of sexual misconduct and their knowledge of how Regis College responds to any reports of sexual misconduct.

General Results

A total of 183 students responded to the survey, with approximately 47% identifying as undergraduate students and 38% identifying as graduate students. Approximately 82% of student participants identified as cisgender woman, 13% identified as cisgender man.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

More than 96% of participants reported that they had not experienced:

  • Non-consensual contact (non-penetrative)
  • Non-consensual oral sex
  • Non-consensual penetrative sex
  • Attempted non-consensual contact or sexual intercourse

Of those 4% of participants that reported they had experienced any of the above:

  • 62.2% reported the incident took place on campus
  • 37.5% reported the incident took place off campus
  • 75% reported they did not believe their identity was a factor in the incident

Drug and alcohol use did not appear statically significant in participant's responses.

Equity and Knowledge of Regis' Process

Over 70% of participants believed that if they made a report regarding sexual misconduct that Regis College would:

  • Take the report seriously
  • Protect the privacy of the reporting party
  • Honor the reporting party’s request
  • Take steps to protect the safety of the reporting party
  • Support the reporting party
  • Make accommodations for the reporting party

Over 60% of student participants knew:

  • How to access on campus supports
  • How to access off campus supports
  • What their reporting options were
  • Their rights in the reporting process
  • Who to speak to regarding a report of sexual misconduct

Next Steps

Regis College will conduct the next Massachusetts's Sexual Misconduct Survey prior to 2028.

In the meantime, Regis will continue to implement trainings and workshops for faculty, staff, and students to educate the campus about reporting options, resources, and ways to be a prosocial bystander, in the spirit of our founders, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston.

Regis Title IX Campus Climate Survey

Title IX Campus Climate Surveys provide important information and data regarding the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault on a college campus and an institution’s response to reported incidents. These surveys also provide information about community members’ perceptions of the campus climate as related to sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Regis College conducted the 2019 Title IX Campus Climate Survey in spring of 2019.