Regis’ Action Plan – Beginning to Address Systemic Racism outlines how over the next year the Regis community will accomplish the goals set forth in the President's Commitment to Do Better. It will also serve as the framework for a longer-term Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence.

The action plan is only a first step. We are committed to doing the work needed to accomplish the tasks we set out for ourselves.

We will hold ourselves accountable and share progress reports with the community after six and twelve months.

View our six-month progress report

View our 12-month progress report

The voices and input of our students, alumni, faculty, staff, community members, and partners are critical to ensure this plan is something we can all believe in.

We are committed to doing better, each and every day.


Below are the goals we set out for ourselves and a broad overview of the tasks that we have identified to meet those goals.

We are always open to feedback on these tasks. If you would like to provide feedback on this plan, please email

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