Below are the rules and regulations to prevent fires on campus. Violators may be held accountable through the judicial system and are subject to a $500 fine.
In case of an alarm, students should touch the door to feel if it is hot and look under the door for any smoke seeping in. If it is safe to evacuate, leave the building immediately by way of the nearest exit. Assemble outside away from the building, not in the parking lots, as these must be kept clear for fire equipment. Do not re-enter the building until the fire personnel deems it safe for re-entry.
To the extent that personal safety permits, the Residence Life staff assists students with evacuation; however, it is the sole responsibility of the student to evacuate whenever an alarm sounds. Any student who does not leave a building when an alarm sounds is subject to a $100 fine.
Tampering with fire alarms, fire extinguishers, or other fire equipment can endanger the lives of fellow students as greatly as setting a fire. Students found responsible for causing a fire, activating an alarm unnecessarily, or using any other fire equipment unnecessarily are subject to immediate suspension from housing, potential expulsion from the university, a $500 fine and may face further sanctions in accordance with state and federal law.