Before seeking out tutoring services, we strongly encourage students to connect with their professors first either by email or through office hours. The faculty/student connection is critical to your academic success. To find out the office hours of an instructor, students should refer to the course syllabus and to Starfish to schedule an individual office visit.
The Finucane and O’Sullivan Institute for Learning offers tutoring for many different course subjects, including math, science, and nursing. Writing support is available across all subjects.
Tutoring at Regis is a partnership between a student and their tutor. When students agree to work with a tutor, they are agreeing to prepare for their session by completing classwork prior to the meeting (to the best of their ability) and then define specific questions or areas of concern they would like to address with the tutor. It is the tutor’s responsibility to address a student’s specific concerns and help clarify student misunderstandings and guide them towards deeper understanding of course content.
Institute for Learning tutors include graduate and undergraduate peer tutors, student support coaches, and professional tutors. All student tutors participate in comprehensive and ongoing training that includes discussion of professional conduct, teaching practices, positive psychology, and administrative methods.
Tutoring is available through the Finucane and O’Sullivan Institute for Learning to all current Regis students at no additional fee.
In addition to peer tutoring, students may find support through group workshops, learning communities, and through 24-7 support via Brainfuse. Additional information can be found at Tutoring Services on SPIKE.
The Regis Library offers students free access to a variety of electronic databases and information resources. Our librarians can give you advice on which database is best for your research needs and help you to improve your search techniques. Databases are available 24/7.