Set your goals
Before you start looking for an internship, consider these issues:
- Time frame: When do you want to do your internship? During the school year? Over the summer?
- Location: Where do you want to do your internship? Do you have access to transportation or can you use the Regis shuttle service? Do you prefer to do your internship on campus?
- Pay: Internships can be paid or unpaid depending on the industry. If it’s unpaid, you may want to consider doing a part-time job while you are interning.
- Career Field: Where have other students in your major completed their internships?
Take some time to research your available opportunities. Students have found internships in the following places:
Don't be afraid to apply for as many internship opportunities as you can.
- Complete your resume and cover letter
- Follow up on every application. Call the organization one week after you apply to ask if they have received your application. Ask when they might make a decision and if it’s OK to keep in touch
- Interview
- Follow up with a thank you note and then be patient--hiring decisions take some time
- Accept the internship
- Complete the Internship Agreement form and submit to the Center for Internships and Career Development
The Center for Internships and Career Development is available to help students find an internship at any time. The Center is located in College Hall Room 209 and is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The MyRegis app also has an online tool kit where students can get help.