Graduates may request a duplicate diploma by printing and filling out the Diploma Replacement form and emailing, mailing, faxing, or hand-delivering it to the Center for Student Services in College Hall.
Regis College is not responsible for diplomas that are lost or damaged during the mailing process. Appropriate fees will be assessed for duplicate diplomas requested under those circumstances.
Replacement diplomas are reissued for a fee of $50. If you are requesting a replacement for a doctoral degree, the fee is $75. Please include a check made payable to Regis College, Registrar’s Office, 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493. Orders will not be processed unless all financial obligations to Regis College have been met.
Regis College
Registrar’s Office
235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493
For questions regarding diploma replacements, please reach out the Registrar’s Office at or call 781.768.7270.