Regis College is dedicated to advancing STEM research through collaborative efforts among faculty, students, and industry partners. Our research spans various fields including Biology, Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, and Lab Operations Management (LOM), providing students with hands-on experiences and opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research.

For inquiries about our research, student opportunities, or collaborations, please use our contact form or reach out directly to the relevant department. 

Learn about the active research environment at Regis for students and faculty. 


Our mission is to foster a dynamic research environment that prepares students for careers in STEM fields through hands-on learning, faculty mentorship, and exposure to real-world challenges. We focus on research excellence in Biology, Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, and LOM, leveraging our state-of-the-art facilities and industry partnerships.

Areas of Research

  • Biology

    Zebrafish Sexual Development

    Lead Researchers: Lisa Nelson, PhD; Shannon Hogan, PhD; Shari Litch-Gray, PhD

    Description: Investigating the timing and activation of sex-determining genes in zebrafish, with a focus on transcriptomics to identify these genes 5-10 days post-fertilization.

    Independent Study Using Animal Models

    Lead Researcher: Shari Litch Gray, PhD

    Description: Examining the role of independent study in preparing undergraduates in biology through animal model research.

    Ovarian Cancer Research (fill in Shannon)

  • Neuroscience

    Neonatal Brain Injury and Recovery

    Lead Researcher: Steven Threlkeld, PhD

    Description: Studying the effects of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury and treatments on recovery of function.

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    Lead Researchers: Steven Threlkeld, PhDd, Collaborators at Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital

    Researching neuroprotective treatments and their impact on brain function post-TBI.

  • Biomedical Engineering

    Articular Cartilage Reconstruction

    Lead Researchers: W. Niu, H.P. Hsu, S. Myron

    Investigating the effects of extracorporeal shock wave stimulation on bone marrow for cartilage reconstruction using a goat model.

  • Chemistry

    Student Involvement and Self-Efficacy

    Lead Researchers: Erin McQuaid, Leslie Bishop

    Assessing the impact of increased student involvement on self-efficacy and accountability in chemistry courses.

  • Lab Operations Management (LOM)

    Inclusive AI Integration

    Lead Researchers: Shannon Hogan, Jennifer Krusinger, Niloofar Gholamrezaei, Diana Perdue

    Implementing AI through a studio arts model at a small liberal arts college to enhance teaching and learning.

Student/ Faculty Research

  • Student Opportunities

    Regis College offers a range of research opportunities for students, including summer fellowships, independent study projects, and collaborative research with faculty. Students are encouraged to get involved and gain hands-on experience in their fields of interest.
    We partner with leading institutions to provide students with valuable internships, including:

    • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    • Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School)
    • Center for Engineering in Medicine and Surgery
    • Evelo Biosciences
    • Natural Resources Department, Town of Barnstable
    • New England BioLabs
    • ScribeAmerica - Medical Scribe Program
    • Weill Medical College, Cornell University

    Guidance on securing internships, application processes, and deadlines are available through our career services.

    Student Achievements

    Our students regularly achieve recognition for their research, including awards at national conferences and publications in peer-reviewed journals. Alumni success stories highlight the impact of our programs on their professional journeys.

    Publications and Presentations

    Accepted Presentations
    Our faculty and students actively present their research at conferences, showcasing the innovative work conducted at Regis College. Presentations are organized by year and department, detailing the title, authors, and event information.

    Our students and faculty frequently present posters at conferences, highlighting ongoing research projects. Awards received for outstanding posters are noted, and PDFs of posters are available where possible.

    Publications in peer-reviewed journals by students and faculty demonstrate our commitment to contributing to the broader scientific community. Recent publications are listed with links to articles when available.

    Grants and Funding
    Our research is supported by various grants and funding sources, allowing us to expand our facilities, support student research, and invest in new technology. Details on recent grants, funding amounts, and their objectives are provided.

    News and Events
    Stay up-to-date with the latest news, including recent awards, upcoming events, and conference presentations. Our archive offers a look back at past news and achievements within the STEM research community at Regis College.

    We provide access to state-of-the-art labs, equipment, and collaborations that enhance research capabilities. Information on research ethics, compliance, and available resources is outlined for current and prospective researchers.


  • Research at Regis

    Lisa Nelson, PhD
    How do Zebrafish become male or female? When can this sex determination be determined? My research, in collaboration with Dr. Shannon Hogan and Dr. Shari Litch-Gray, focuses on using zebrafish as a model to understand sexual development, particularly when sex-determining genes are activated.

    Erin McQuaid and Leslie Bishop
    Our study aims to determine if increasing student involvement improves science self-efficacy and accountability. Through structured engagement in lectures and labs, we found that active participation led to higher student confidence and preparation for assessments.

    Danqing Xiao, PhD, RT(MR)
    My research seeks to identify biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and explore how factors such as probiotics, gut health, and exercise can influence AD progression. Using postmortem brains, histological staining, and ADNI imaging data, we are investigating potential biomarkers and examining the role of synaptic proteins and gut-brain interactions in AD.