FAFSA Verification

Students who submit a FAFSA may be selected for a process called Federal Verification. The Federal Central Processing Service (CPS) selects FAFSA applications either by a random sort or because of conflicting information. To complete this process we review data reported on your FAFSA and confirm its accuracy. Students and parents must complete a federal verification worksheet and during our review we may request additional documentation, as required by law. Students who will need to provide additional documents will receive a missing information request via mail or email from the Financial Aid Office letting you know what documents are needed. It’s important that you address the request because a financial aid award offer will not be made until all required material is received. If you have been awarded prior to completing the verification process and there are any changes to the financial aid package as a result of verification, the student will be sent a revised financial aid award letter.

The Missing Documents Instruction Sheet will guide you to find and submit documentation to the Office of Financial Aid.

Automatically Transferring Your Tax Information

2024–25 and 2025-26 FAFSA® Form

The Financial Aid Direct Data Exchange, replacing the IRS Data Retrieval Tool starting with the 2024–25 FAFSA form, will transfer contributors' federal tax information from the IRS directly into your FAFSA form.

All contributors must provide consent and approval to:

  • disclose their personally identifiable information provided on the FAFSA form to the IRS for matching purposes;
  • obtain their federal tax information from the IRS via direct data exchange;
  • allow the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to use their federal tax information to determine the student's eligibility and amount of federal student aid;
  • allow ED to share their federal tax information with colleges, career/trade schools, and state higher education agencies for use in awarding and administering financial aid; and
  • allow ED to reuse their federal tax information on another FAFSA applicant's form (e.g. if a parent has multiple dependent students or a parent's own FAFSA form).

Note: Even if contributors don't have an SSN, didn't file taxes, or filed taxes outside of the U.S., they will still need to provide consent and approval.

Important: If a required contributor doesn't provide consent and approval to have their federal tax information transferred into the FAFSA form, you (the student) will not be eligible for federal student aid—even if the contributor manually enters tax information into the FAFSA form.

To ensure the information is secure, the federal tax information won't display on the FAFSA site or the FAFSA Submission Summary.


Please only submit requested forms. If we need additional forms, you will receive an email or a letter sent to your home address, indicating which forms we need from you.

2024-2025 Forms

2025-2026 Forms

Please utilize our Secure Upload link to submit the required documents. Students can also bring their forms in person to the Center for Student Services, College Hall at Regis College. These are the most secure methods of submitting your completed forms. We do not recommend forms be sent to us via an email attachment as email is not a private or a confidential method of communication. You may also mail your forms to:

Regis College
Center for Student Services
Office of Financial Aid
235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493

Useful Links and Resources

Some sites can help you search for privately funded scholarships, calculate loan repayments, apply for financial aid, compare award letter offers, and so much more. We hope you find the following websites useful.

Applying for financial aid

Completing Loan Paperwork

Informational Links

Private Scholarships

We encourage students to pursue scholarship opportunities in their local communities, as well as on a national level. We recommend these Scholarship Search services:

Financial Literacy


More Information

Regis School Code: 002206

Bursar's Office


The official Regis College shield
The Office of Financial Aid
College Hall 221

Regis College
Center for Student Services
Office of Financial Aid
235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA 02493