In accordance with the Massachusetts Transfer Guarantee, Regis offers qualified transfer students from Massachusetts community colleges streamlined admission to many of our academic programs. These include:
The General Education Foundation (formerly known as the MassTransfer Block or MTB) refers to a set of general education, core, or distribution requirements, consisting of 34 college-level credits. These credits, when completed together with a 2.0 or higher GPA, fully transfer to Regis and will satisfy the general education/core requirements at Regis. Incoming Regis students will be expected to complete a religion course as a part of the core requirements.
Students will also have credits from their associate's degree transferred in as bulk credits. In total, students who enter under this agreement can transfer up to 60 credits, starting them in their junior year. Additional credits may be reviewed on an individual basis.
Regis offers two options for students to transfer into:
All students may apply for need-based financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Regis College’s FAFSA school code is 002206.
Massachusetts Transfer Guarantee does not apply to the following programs: dental hygiene, diagnostic medical sonography (DMS), nuclear medicine, and nursing. Students applying to these programs should connect directly with Alex Patturelli, Director of Undergraduate Admission, to discuss those program requirements and individual eligibility.